

Thank you for your interest in joining the IIA Staff! Our mission is to offer our multicultural families the opportunity to develop new friendships and gain appreciation for their cultural heritage. The Korean Culture KAMP is focused on identity and the Korean American experience. Our goal is to provide a safe and fun environment for our families and staff.

You must be a high school graduate to apply. Interested candidates must be willing to provide a safe and positive environment for all children throughout KAMP. 

Please fill out the application completely. Once your application is reviewed and your references are checked, an interview will be scheduled. Returning staff applicants selected for the prior KAMP year are not required to re-interview. 

Criminal background checks will be performed on all candidates and hiring decisions will be made with the safety and security of families as a key factor. A limited number of staff positions are available for our summer KAMP. Final staff selections will be made the Board.

If you would like an application, please contact the Staff Liaison by e-mail:

Katie Marchik